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Old 12-19-2006, 05:41 AM
durron597 durron597 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
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For the last 9 months, the ordinary citizens of Pogsylvania have been terrorized by werewolves. All shapes, forms, incarnations, special powers, have terrorized the land, killing normal citizens in their wake.

Setting: Poggias, a small town, cloaked in forest. Why is this town so different from the others, you ask? Here is where the magically adept of Pogsylvania live, hiding from those normals. Most of them simply don't care about the werewolf invasion... they feel they can handle it. But can they? Two of Pogsylvania's finest, durron597 and Kyrosmother, with a talent for divination, seem to be the only ones interested in dealing with this threat.

"KM, I can feel them getting closer. They know we're here. All our efforts in helping the other villages find and destroy their werewolves hasn't helped."

"I know durron, they will be here any day now. I have forseen it. And they will be stronger than the other wolves that have attacked the other villages."

"Perhaps if we somehow give them a warning... they can defend themselves... if their arrogance does not consume them."

"Do you think Bezmer will help us?"

"No... his experimentation into the darkest secrets has become his undoing. He could help - but he has been driven mad - I would not be surprised if a werewolf attack puts him over the edge..."

"Oh, I pray that is not so. The village will need his help. Perhaps his son..."

"No. Tervel may try to help... but I would not count on that having much chance of success. He is not as strong as his father, but perhaps he can reason with him... but Bezmer will be no ally to the others in this. We will have to alert the others, convince them to prepare, on our own."

"I agree... what do you think about this..."

2 hours later, a huge apparition appears over the village.

No one stirs from their houses.

"They heard our warnings before, they see our warning tonight. Their arrogance is unb-scrrrrrk"

durron597 swivels around. "KM? Are you still... Oh."

In the morning, the bodies of durron597 and Kyrosmother, the village diviners, are found eaten almost to the point of unidenitifiability. It looks like the Poggias is not immune to the werewolves after all.

It is day.
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