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Old 10-13-2007, 07:57 PM
tame_deuces tame_deuces is offline
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Default Re: 99% of species are extinct

For instance, you are an ACer and I support the modern democratic state. Which even though the outlooks are vastly different, means we both support some basic right(s) we assume people should have - this inherently means we disagree with how some systems/societies are run and that means we both believe in something more than a basic 'darwinistic' premise.

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But all I need to say in response is that I am an ACist and you are a statist because we see those things to be in our rational best interest. It isn't like "I support AC, but boy would I be happy if we did X instead." Our beliefs are based on logical assessments of the conditions, and from there, we can argue the extensions of certain assumptions and discuss which ones seem to most reasonably be best. That's still rational self interest. Even if one of your factors is that you want to help other people (and think either AC or a state does that most effectively) such is ultimately still self-interest (it would just happen that helping strangers is a value of yours).

so pretty much any event/regime/something would be completely legitimate simply because it exists or happened

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Sure. If something happens it happens. What do you mean when you say it's "legitimate"? Do you mean I have to like it? Of course not. But there will be consequence, and nature will decide whether the entities that are likely to engage in a certain action will be likely to survive. If it affects me, I'll act in a way that adds my 2 cents to nature's decision.

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I think we really are on the same chain of thought, just expressing it slightly differently. Basically the foundation that 'social darwinism' ultimately exists is the way we can give our beliefs legitimacy and call them better than other alternatives - simply because they serve us and others (according to our beliefs at least) better than the alternatives.

Like I can 'democracy is better than a dictatorship because people don't get shot for having a revolutionary brother' or you could say 'AC is better than state democracy because liberty of propery and self are the ultimate human rights', and the preceding chain of thought is how we can explain those beliefs without believing in absolute ethics or morality.
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