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Old 11-28-2007, 10:14 AM
Felix_Nietzsche Felix_Nietzsche is offline
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Default Words Have Meaning....

InTheDark, please name one historical example where an outside power imposed a long lasting peace by indiscrimately slaughtering the civilians of a country they occupy.

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If Israel use the power to "indiscrimately slaughtering the civilians", then we would see millions of Arabs fleeing to Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon. It would be a situation similiar to the Rwandan genocide. Using phrases like "indiscrimately slaughtering the civilians" should not be used lightly and should only be used where appropriate. Israel is not even on the radar map when it comes to using that type of language.

please name one historical example

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Ghengis Khan pacified his conquer lands using these types of methods. In his lands, he had Muslims, Jews, Christians, and the native Eastern religions. People knew the Khans did not play around when it came to war...

After WW2, Sudaten Germans where ethnically cleanse from Czechlosvakia and there is no more German insurection in these lands any more. Also Germans where ethnically cleansed out of Eastern Germany (modern day Poland) and there is no more German unrest in these lands.

Overwhelming defeat + overwhelming victory = Peace
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