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Old 08-22-2007, 06:22 PM
kyleb kyleb is offline
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Default Re: Rotator Cuff Exercises

I do two circuits of them for each singular arm exercise at 10 reps, so 2x10 per exercise. Push-ups and other related activities to taste.

There's a few other exercises I do in place of or in addition to these. They are:

Empty the Can

-Front raises with supinated and pronated grips
-Wrist raises with supinated and pronated grips
-Arm circles with wrist weights

I would recommend 5 lb. weights - that's what I most commonly use. Sometimes I under and overload to mix it up with 3 pound, 8 pound, and 10 pound weights too.

EDIT: Also, doing this is probably good for your arms:

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