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Old 03-28-2007, 04:49 PM
tdarko tdarko is offline
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Default Re: Once a cheater always a cheater.........

I have never cheated and do not believe that I ever would.

Having been cheated on, I believe that "once a cheater, always a cheater" is 100% true.

Someone that has cheated in the past, "has it in them" and while they may not be currently cheating, when the opportunity comes in the future, they will have to decide if to cheat or not, where as the non-cheater has no decision to make.

The decision itself is a form of cheating when you really think about it.

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I don't think I completely agree with this though I think this right some of the time, I just don't think life is this black and white.

For instance I cheated on my past gf and have been with my current gf for 3 years, I live away from her for 5 or so months out of every year and while gone have been hit on plenty of times and approached etc. Never once was it a decision, b/c it wasn't. I am not going to cheat on her, it isn't in me to do it and I am completely happy.

I have also been around plenty of people that haven't cheated before at bars and while they had some girl chatting them up all night they would keep telling me how their gf wouldn't ever know. They would agonize over the decision whether they should or shouldn't. Some made the right choice and then some didn't--becoming "cheaters." Some non-cheaters aren't happy in their relationships, or happy with where they are in their lives as well and are just as disrespectful and can just as easily cheat on their gf even if they haven't cheated on the past...what if in the past they have had solid relationships that just didn't work out for some reason? There are too many variables to just paint a black and white picture and classify humans with human emotions in everyday situations into two distinct categories.
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