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Old 10-14-2007, 06:51 PM
Daliman Daliman is offline
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Default Re: BRAG: I made a prop bet with durrr.

<3 Thremp. Even though I don't

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Meh. I'm pretty indifferent. She gave bad advice. Then someone took a shot at her son and she fired back with more BS.

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how is saying her son has to actually want to lose weight before it will happen, bad advice?

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Okay. Desire is one of teh ghey terms for people who claim to want to do something but don't do it. Especially for something so trivial as weight loss. "Wanting it" isn't gonna make you not "not eating" is whats gonna make you not fat. Even if you must choose between mouth watering, delectable, scintillating food served at the finest restaurants by the snootiest of chefs compared to the swill that thin people force themselves to eat that is served in the homes and prepared with their own loathsome labours. (Note funny spelling of labor for increased presumptuousness)

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Also, while I have no axe to grind whatsoever with gobbo, I'm guessing he was heavy b4 he became the world-traveling gourmand his mother makes him out to be now. His chosen vocation can't help matters though.
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