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Old 03-23-2006, 02:02 AM
psandman psandman is offline
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Default Re: Two CallTheFloor Events in One Tourney

I envisioned the scenario a bit differently but on rereading I suspect I was incorrect about what was happening. I envisioned the guy shuffling over setting down some chips and the dealer starts dealing to him and he wanders off (without a word) to go get either the rest of his chips, his jacket, his drink or whatever and returns to the table has the player in seat six is folding his hand.

Now that I reread it, it doesn't appear that he went anywhere, but was just distracted from the game maybe standing next to his chair but physically there doing his thing.

However that being the case the player being present at the table has to have some responsibility for protecting his action. So this guy is there at the table and six players act behind him and he doesn't say a word. Now I understand that players can muck their hands pretty quickly, but 6 players all mucking thier hands is a lot of action happening behind this guy.
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