Thread: Dog advice
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Old 06-06-2007, 09:05 AM
LockForward LockForward is offline
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Default Re: Dog advice

Heres some advice from a professional dog trainer.

First issue isn't a real concern. Dogs sleep way more than we do. Your hours of sleeping won't negativly affect your dog in any way.

Second issues isn't a problem either. Make sure Jaeger is getting his exercise and walks, but he should be fine in your room with you. Have some toys and things in there for him, maybe even a water dish, whatever.

With the third issue, we can control that from a behvaior stand point. Right now Jaeger has a conditioned response to your emotional outburst. You, like many people, are way to concerned with what caused the response. People always think that their rescue dog was abused in some way. The thing is, dogs don't have emotional hang ups like we do. Its not that significant to Jaeger if he was abused, although I doubt he was. Jaeger doesn't dwell on his past, and think about what happened to him like a human would. His current repsonse sounds like someone got angry with him when working on a sit stay. So, his owner gets angry, and he believes the correct response is to go sit on the other side of the room and stay. So, what we need to do is create a new conditioned reponse to you getting upset, and turn it into a positive experience. Keep some dog chews or toys on your desk with you, and when you get upset, turn around and engage Jaeger in a quick play session with a toy, or toss a dog chew or something to him. This will turn you being agitated into a positive experience for him.
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