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Old 05-19-2007, 01:51 PM
7n7 7n7 is offline
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Default Re: How to play FR against Stars nits?

I liker FR because you can stick to one strategy and play ABC poker without caring much about your opponents.

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This isn't really a sound statement. If you can play ABC poker and win without worrying too much about your opponents' tendencies, it's not b/c it's full ring. It's b/c of your opponents.

ABC poker won't win at the upper limits at full ring, so this statement definitely loses its validity as you progress to bigger games.

As for why your opponents seem to fold a lot, yet trap you with their monsters? Ironically enough, the very strategy you think wins is actually what's hurting you.

It looks to me like they're playing off your ABC tendencies. If you always play the same regardless, it's not that difficult a strategy to exploit.

My suggestion: mix it up a bit. Instead of ABC, play ABCDE and some F. Limp with AA/KK once in a while, play a draw a bit more aggressively at times, smooth-call your strong hands occasionally, throw in a check-raise from time to time, etc., etc.

If your opponents are 2p2'ers, then you've got to assume they know a little bit about ABC poker themselves as well as the counter-strategies.

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