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Old 10-26-2007, 01:24 PM
orentha orentha is offline
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Default Re: New Software SpadeEye: Tableselection (@PP)


Here's a weird little bug, not a huge deal but i figured i'd let you know

When I scan NL$100 FR on FT, then click join on a table, (i know it doesn't add me to the waitlist most of the time)

so I manually go to the table and join waitlist.. but anyways, say I click Join in spadeye for table "cabana", it will add me to waitlist on table "Clonie Gowen" every single time...

it doesn't matter what table i click join, i get addeed to clonie gowen table waitlist.
and i dont know if it has something to do with the fact that a "pro" table, where 1 seat is always reserved for clonie gowen...

but a weird little bug anyways
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