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Old 11-28-2007, 11:00 AM
Bedreviter Bedreviter is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 456
Default Re: This is why I\'m for the death penalty.


I already gave my 3 arguments against the death penalty. Consider my opposition a combination of those.

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Im in favor of the death penalty (for some crimes) when the guilt is proven without any doubt. DNA, videotape, number of reliable witnesses, accurate confession and such is in place.

I dont feel that prison is a good alternative in any cases where guilt is not proven without any doubt, I rather see the suspect going free until the case is strong enough for a trial, or him going free. I dont want anyone to be sent to prison on the assumption that we are very sure he did it, but cannot prove it fully, and then if we 4 years later find out we can release him and think "well, that wasnt so bad now was it?".

Think the jury and the judge also will be very careful about sentencing anyone to death without the question of guilt being proven, as they dont have the safety net of "well if we 20 years down the road find out we were wrong we can just let the poor guy out". And as the road from first being given the death penalty to the actual execution taking place is very long and involves multiple lengthy trials and appeals I find the possibility of someone innocent going through all of them and still ending up being executed as extremely small. Today with the technology and DNA and all that I believe that for someone to be innocently executed in the US is so slim its of interest to statistics-freaks only.
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