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Old 09-22-2007, 02:12 PM
tame_deuces tame_deuces is offline
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Default Re: What an atheist is, for Splendour

The short and simplified version is that I don't.

We need advances in philosophy, culture and learning as well. Basically human knowledge is now changing so rapidly that one is talking about knowledge learnt to specialize in a profession might become obsolete only 10-20 years after. Scientific papers are being published at insane rates compared to only 20 years ago, and nothing seems to indicate that this incredible stream of information is going to slow down or stop accelerating anytime soon. New research show that it will not be unusual for people to hold 10-20 different jobs in just as many years.

We have learnt to integrate ourselves closer and closer with computers and other information technology to handle the pressure, but at some point we are going to need radical new thinking and philosophy as well.

People are going to have to learn how to learn in the most efficient and effective manners possible. Learning knowledge will become supbar to learning how to rationalize new information in the quickest and most efficient ways possible. Humans beings might very need to augment themselves and improve on our functions to manage these difficulties, and it is not really some scifi scenario. Our complete reliance of technology today is really complete integration also, just not of our bodies. Most people in the modern west today can't survive without post 1900-technology.

The furthering of integration with technology might become a necessesity for this to function properly. Especially when more and more of the world is going to join in on the fun and the information streams are going to be absolutely enormous. And we can't slow down, we really don't have the time to. We have some problems to solve and probably some new ones on the way.
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