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Old 10-03-2007, 07:12 PM
gusmahler gusmahler is offline
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Default Re: Bizarre injuries you\'ve suffered

* I was taking a shower and was washing my face. My hand just slipped and my finger went into my eye.

Now, I'd poked myself in the eye before, I normally blink for a few seconds and I'm fine. But this just would not stop hurting. I was hurting all day long, had to stay home from work. Finally, my wife comes home and drives me to the eye doctor. Turns out I badly tore my cornea. I ended up having to patch my eye for a couple of days and had to wait for it to just heal itself.

* A year later, I'm driving to work with my wife. All of a sudden the same eye just develops a terrible pain. The same pain I felt a year before. But I wasn't doing anything, just driving a car. The doctor said I had a "recurring corneal abrasion." Basically, my cornea was weak because of my previous injury and the stress from blinking tore the cornea. The remedy was the same. And to prevent it from happening again, I had to put lubricating drops in my eye every day. The same thing happened again a few months later, where I woke up and tore my cornea again.

I've never had the problem since then.
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