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Old 12-01-2007, 01:48 PM
Performify Performify is offline
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Default Re: the proof is in the pudding

such a howl and crescendo..

yes, indeed, the whole gist of the post was missed; and, in being missed, underscored...

[/ QUOTE ]

So enlighten us, oh masterful picker of the 61% rate. What exactly was the point?

You post a 19-game sample.

My opening five weeks from the NFL last year (Performify's Pigskin Picks, through Week 5, all posted on this forum, all against Widely Available lines and all with units tracked and posted before games):

9-5-1. Excluding the tie, that's a 64.2% win percentage. If you take through week six, seventeen games, it drops to a measly 59%. What does a small sample prove?

What if you even jump to the end of both seasons and look at my total weighted record? I've got publicly available picks against widely available lines for the last two seasons, winning seasons both, against WA lines (i'll repeat). But still, what does it matter?

If you want to jump to MMA, something that doesn't directly compare to spread picks, but still, I'm 18-8 up double digit units for the last four events. Weeee, variance is fun!

So back to the matter, what's your point?

Are you disappointed that you're not being welcomed as an expert, and still seeking that affection and respect that you crave?

Did you miss the parade we threw in your honor the first week you arrived? Or the key to the forums which Sklansky himself enscribed and presented?

Truly, you are god's gift to handicappers and we shall shower you with adoration every time you weigh in on a post.

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