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Old 11-30-2007, 02:38 AM
ikestoys ikestoys is offline
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Default Re: Could We Have Won Vietnam?

"modern politicians have stated that vietnam was a good war precisely because it deterred other countries from going commie."

Ridiculous. The fact that American leaders didn't understand that Vietnamese communism was related to Vietnamese issues doesn't mean other countries' leaders didn't get it. Which modern politicians have called Vietnam a "good war"? Seems to me politicains from all over the political specturm feel (for different reasons) it was a disaster.

sorry, I should have said "modern day total scum p;oliticians".
people like newt gingrich. probably most high level right wing republicans.

I'm almost positive that piece of human garbage UN guy Bolton holds that view, to name another.

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lol I type in

youtube vietnam good war

in google, and one of the first things is that crappy bill maher show where bill himself thinks the vietnam war was good in the sense that it stopped communism. what a tool.

another link where bush said in a press conference basically that we should have stayed in vietnam and won it or somethign like that.

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i believe the quote was driven by the millions of vietnamese and cambodians killed, but i'm not 100% sure...

leaving vietnam had some very severe negative consequences, and to ignore them or dismiss the people who point them out as idiots or insane illustrates either a large ignorance pertaining to the war or dishonesty.
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