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Old 11-27-2007, 12:32 AM
Felix_Nietzsche Felix_Nietzsche is offline
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Default It Was a Bad Interview By Chris....

Fox news tried to discredit Fred's campaign using commentary from ultra right wing conservative nob gobblers to suggest voters where not buying his views.

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1. I'm no fan of Thompson for his support of McCain-Feingold. This alone should disqualify him from office.
2. I do not consider Fred Barnes to be a conservative. He is part of the Rockefeller big govt wing of the Repub party. So C.Wallace's use of the Barnes clip was meaningless to me. I'm a conservative and I think Fred Barnes is a nitwit. To call him a conservative is an insult to conservatives...
3. I think this was a lousy interview by Chris Wallace. His angle of criticizing Thompson campaign serves no purpose. I'd rather he hammer Thompson on the ***ISSUES***. It was a WORTHLESS interview and a biased interview against Thompson.
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