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Old 11-28-2007, 03:20 AM
DblBarrelJ DblBarrelJ is offline
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Default Re: Don\'t taze me drone!

What did cops do before the invention of the taser? Were they running around shooting everyone who looked sidewise at them?

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Exactly, there was a time in this country when you would be beaten to a bloody pulp, not tazed.

You people watch entirely too many Andy Griffith reruns.

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lol. yeah, now with tasers around, all those bad cops are angels.


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As probably the only person participating in this discussion to have actually taken the taser ride, let me tell you first off that it looks alot worse than it actually is.

A taser is not a pain compliance device, at least not in the sense that a baton or OC (pepper) spray is. It is a device specifically designed to cause muscle contraction, allowing the officers to safely apprehend violent suspects.

As to the "old ladies" crap, there are idiots all over the world, in every profession, not just mine. Mine just get picked on alot more than most, because every news station in town has a scanner sitting in the news room. These tools happen to be my livelyhood, as I can't carry guns when I'm in close contact with inmates, most of the lifers have been hit with OC so much it's pretty much useless, and I'd prefer to not attempt to take down 200 men at once with a baton, as batons start riots.

Therefore, the only viable option I have left at my disposal is a taser, which is scientifically proven to be so harmless that it does not interfere with a subjects pacemaker.

Also, another piece of information you all may be interested to know. The pain from a taser hit goes away about 10 seconds after using it. Compare that with the 6-8 hours of OC pepper spray, and the sometimes permanent injuries of the good ole baton and fist methods.

I'll admit, these things don't look pretty, but they weren't meant to. They do save lives. I'm a slightly different case, working inside the walls of a prison. Somewhere around 80% of the time, I think 78.6% to be exact, when a taser is deployed by a street cop, he could've (legally) used deadly force.

Tasers save lives, and not just the lives of officers.
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