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Old 11-19-2007, 12:20 PM
tomdemaine tomdemaine is offline
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Default Re: my solution to the gay marriage argument

welcome mbilly

This has got to be the one of the simplest illustrations of how stupid and selfish the general public is.

Marriage is a contract between 2 people nothing more nothing less. The government involvement should reflect this and only be involved via the courts when contract negotiations are required (divorce). In fact this could also easily be done through civil arbitration w/ no government involvement at all.

The problem comes when people get selfish and ignorant. Bible thumpers want to use the government to negate some peoples contract rights. Gays want to use the government to force people to do things their way. Both of these ideas are idiotic and wrongheaded.
If a gay couple wants to get married it is none of the churches business. If a church wont marry a gay couple then they should go somewhere else.

cliff notes: people are Dbags

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Solution : no government that Dbags can gain control of.
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