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Old 11-11-2007, 04:26 PM
Ryan Beal Ryan Beal is offline
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Default Re: Important info about vBulletin

A popcorn guy, likely that one, will be part of the new smilies. Not sure about the other.


To clarify what I mean by losing your favorites, I'm just talking about the actual list of favorite threads in the panel not porting. Since it's only going to be 60 days worth of active threads that come with to vB, any favorites older than that wouldn't be useful in vB rergardless. PMs, favorites, posts and all the rest will remain as sort of an additional archive in UBB for the foreseeable too.

Also, those of you who mentioned you may have a problem if 2+2 stopped using a forum subdomain should be pleased to know that we did decide to keep using one.
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