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Old 07-24-2007, 03:45 AM
xorbie xorbie is offline
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Default Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows discussion thread (SPOILERS)

Liked the book overall. A few random thoughts:

What I liked about the whole book was also the part that made it seem a little too ridiculous at times. It's great to have the whole "stick it to the man" attitude with kids running around breaking rules, but it got more and more ridiculous culminating in the end of HP5 which, while one of the books I liked more, ends in a really ridiculous scene in which all the students should be dead. These are some of the higher ranking Death Eaters, there's 0% chance any of them lose to a kid whose balls may not yet have dropped.

In this one I was hoping this wouldn't get too ridiculous, and thankfully everything that was great about this book was brought to the forefront. The scene when they get back to Hogwarts to find that people have been keeping up the DA and rebelling is just awesome. I wish they had been doing more stuff talking to the Hogwards crew or somehow being informed about it.

The only complaint is that I feel Dumbledore has too much control over things, still. There's nothing Harry really finds out that Dumbledore didn't know (besides where a few Horcruxes are and, IMO, those could have been found in cooler ways). The whole thing just seems too planned out. I like Harry finding out that he needs to die to meet his destiny, but I wish he never really saw Dumbledore after that.

As with Dumbledore in HP5, I love seeing the Hogwarts teachers kick some serious ass. Opposite of the Death Eaters it seems, since random prepubscent kids seem to own the latter on the regular, whereas the teachers are sending entire armies at the evil folk and turning fire into daggers and what have you. This still just reinforces that the kids being there is great to show that they are courageous and so forth, but for the most part they should have sideline roles in the big battles, maybe throwing in a few "stupefies".
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