Thread: Prayer Chain
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Old 10-25-2007, 12:40 AM
Randy Jensen Randy Jensen is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 43
Default Prayer Chain

Hey all, I will probably be flamed for this but I don't really care. Some of you may get those prayer chain emails coming across begging you to pray for some old man with emphysema, or a little kid with cholera. I usually discard them because I am what one would call a non believer. But after a brutal session of having several topset and straightdraw combos out run by some brain dead Corky type, I got the idea to harness the power of these forums.

If tonight we would all pray to the gods of poker , vishna, allah, methusala, yaweh, whomever I would be most grateful. Pray that this herd of drooling morons either lose the blessed horseshoe that is up their collective ass for a couple weeks, or as a sweeter alternative let them all die an extremely painful death. Let them all collect on an island to inbreed themselves into oblivion. Anything that could allow me to have a hand hold up anywhere near expectation.

If we all say these prayers and eat some vitamins tonight maybe the good players can have a period of time where their intricately laid traps end up snaring the correct victims.

Cliff notes......I hate all the morons out there that are decimating me thinking that their 5 high runner runner flush draw is good vs top set wrap, and I want the proverbial grease fire to melt their eyelids closed, and fuse their fingers into the hooves that they actually are.
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