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Old 11-28-2007, 04:36 PM
waarior waarior is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 93
Default Re: Man kills 2 People While 911 Is Telling Him Not To

First time listened to just the ABC News report of the incident on Youtube. Was pretty conflicted.

Second time listened to the whole 911 call and came away thoroughly disgusted at the man's actions.

It seemed to me that he was justifying his shooting in advance.
"The laws changed since September 1st.." etc.
"I don't really know these neighbors."
...I Have the right to protect myself"
"A Shotgun is a legal weapon"

Only the man knows what action he planned to take, assuming he had one, when he left the house. But listening to the tape it sure seems like he was bent on shooting the burglars, not just detaining them.

That is the force wasn't a last resort to protect himself but rather a manifestation of his anger at the slowness of the police response/criminals will get away mentality.

Thought the operator did a great job of trying to calm him down and keep him from leaving the house.