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Old 11-29-2007, 03:13 PM
Wyman Wyman is offline
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Default Re: Career Question- State School vs. Big Private

Yes, the name/reputation of your school matter. Yes, your GPA matters.

But 100 times out of 100, I'm gonna take the higher GPA, lower cost, much better weather, and much much more fun with my friends route of Clemson over Cornell. And it isn't even close.

I worked moderately hard and partied a lot in college -- best time of my life. Now I'm working my ass off in grad school, having little to no fun. Sure I'm getting a PhD from a top program, but in the end, how much is that going to benefit me financially? Probably very little. In industry, it's slightly different, but don't short yourself on "the college experience" for anything.

[/guy who wants to be back in college rant]
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