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Old 03-06-2007, 12:21 PM
jba jba is offline
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Default Re: Culture / Ethnicity

my ethnicity is a mishmash of white Europeans. Some were present in the U.S. pre-civil war, mostly in new york, ohio, and illinois. My paternal line immigrated to the US from South Africa during the mid 1800s. But most came from Europe (primarily Britain) in the 1850s-60s. all of my ancestors were mormon pioneers that settled in the Salt Lake valley between 1847-1870ish.

this was definitely the overriding factor in the culture that I grew up in - the religion/theology actually was a fairly small part of it. Growing up almost every little thing was tied in some way to the church and lots of traditions and stuff were based on the experiences of the early pioneers. For example, every family was required to store a one year supply of food in case of emergencies. Whenever I complained about something as a kid the common response was "don't complain, your great great grandfather had to pull a handcart 2000 miles and he didn't complain" I worked on a church farm (the food went to those who needed it) one night a week growing up. People in other neighborhoods worked in the cannery processing the food. My boy scout group was affiliated with the church. Growing up I usually spent most of sunday, a couple hours two nights a week, a weekend a month, and a full week each year doing stuff with the church (only about 3 hrs/week was actual church-y stuff).

Now it doesn't affect my life much at all. I've been out of Utah for about 7 years and I don't associate with the church or any members outside my family. I don't like or agree with the theology at all, but I definitely miss the structure and community sometimes. sometimes I miss it a lot.
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