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Old 06-14-2007, 11:02 AM
CincyLady CincyLady is offline
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Default Re: Annie Duke Interview Controversy regarding Ladies WSOP event.

That's fine, and you know what, I agree with what you are saying about the poker school. It is a good oppportunity to get more women to play in mixed events.

I'm simply saying that with her line of thought, that it's very hypocritical for her to be instructing the women in a women's only format.

She says that the reason she doesn't want the WOEs is because poker is poker and uses our brains which are equal to men's (and I do agree, intelectually, we are equal), so we shouldn't have special events just for women (or seniors for that matter).

What I'm saying here is for someone who has that point of view, to then go and teach at a women's only seminar is hypocritical and counter productive to her message that women shouldn't be segregated.

If she really feels that way, then she should be teaching the women at a mixed poker school seminar, and perhaps helping them with scholorships or something to get them to attend.


And how on earth can you have the views you have on the to be or not to be of this event?
To let everyone decide for themselves is exactly what we have now! Some people, me included, feel it's time to stop treating women as lesser poker players just based on gender.

[/ QUOTE ]

Funny, I and a majority of others don't feel like we are being treated as lessor players because of our gender.

We enjoy playing in the events, as I and several others find there is a different more friendly tone playing those events, than in mixed events.

In other words, they are fun to play.

One other food for thought item here about the Poker School. If she was concerned about getting more women to play in mixed events, then why didn't she donate an entry to say a $1,500 event, instead of the prize for the tourney at the end of the classes, being into the Ladies $1,000 event?

That IMO, would of really encoraged women to sign up for the mixed events.
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