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Old 10-09-2007, 12:37 AM
SuperUberBob SuperUberBob is offline
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Default Re: Current Quarterback Controversies

As for mine:

Chiefs: Croyle. Chiefs are 30th in scoring offense. You have nothing to lose by putting Croyle in.

Bills: Edwards. I'm pretty sure Losman will get his job when he comes back from injury. But if the Bills want to have the best chance to win, they have to sacrifice loyalty to do it.

Jets: Clemens. Pennington's recent ankle injury and weak arm has really limited the range of the Jets offense. Clemens forces defenses to defend the long ball and adds another dimension to their defense.

Raiders: Culpepper. Now that he's got his foot in the door, he should be the full-time starter. McCown was merely a holdover.

Falcons: Harrington. Harrington hasn't done as bad as a lot of people say. Keep in mind that he was basically thrown into the spot because Vick is an idiot. The offense was completely designed around Vick and now Petrino had to redesign the entire offense for Joey Harrington. Leftwich hasn't played much yet, but should sit on the pine for the time being.

Vikings: Jackson. I have no faith in him, but at least he has an upside and can actually improve over time.

Saints: Brees. He's playing horribly, but I don't think you can blame him entirely. He has no o-line at all.

Colts: Sorgi. Manning is way past his prime. Tony Dungy has to start looking towards the future and bench Manning for Sorgi.
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