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Old 09-18-2007, 01:30 PM
0524432 0524432 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 461
Default Re: PSA: One line answers

Good point ama, I will make a point to keep myself in line as well.

However, I'd like you to address the idea of having the outcome of the hand in white txt at the end of the HH.( Example: ) I think this is a great way of still allowing the users to read through the lines, while still seeing some real results and how the villain played what etc...

[/ QUOTE ]

You shouldnt even care what the results are. In this particular situation villain might have the nuts, in another he might have air.
You want to find a sollution to play a hand that would make most profit in the long run.
You might think a call is good in a hand and the results show you that it was a good call but actually it might have been a bad play (if you understand what i mean)

[/ QUOTE ]

This is the last I'll be commenting on this subject in this thread, as I think it is off topic. However, I don't how to further explain to you that while I DO very much appreciate and thrive off the learning technique regarding thinking through HHs without the results, I'm not proposing that be changed in any way. Contrary to your comment about how I should not care about the results, while I understand your point (which is a point we've all heard a million times), when it comes down to it, I DO care....sometimes. Not every post does it matter, but enough times, thinking through the HH and the line both the hero and villain without the results, and THEN being able to consult the outcome afterwards, IMO is VERY valuable.

Many times I have narrowed the range down to only a few hands even possibly a single hand which I'm always sure of, it is an undeniable learning tool to think through the hand (without the results) and then consult them if you choose.

IMO not only will it be rewarding to realize you're starting to understand some of the std lines these players are taking in certain situations, but also when you are wrong, be able to decide when/why you're thought process went wrong.