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Old 11-14-2007, 08:42 PM
CORed CORed is offline
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Default Re: Adults dupe teen into MySpace-assisted suicide

As sad and disturbing as this story is, and as vile as the behavior of the family that trainwrecked the girl is, I don't quite see where there is a crime, or any law that you could pass to make it a crime that wouldn't trample on free speech. Do we really want anybody that posts a flame on a web site to be subject to prosecution?

OTOH, there is probably cause for civil action: Libel, invasion of privacy, maybe wrongful death, but again, I'm more than a little uncomfortable with holding somebody responsible for another's suicide. It is tragic that the girl chose to take her own life, and the behavior of her friend's parents was despicable, but I think it's a pretty dangerous concept that anybody, even somebody who behaved badly, be blamed for another person's suicide. While I can understand the parents' wish to see something that resembles justice here, I'm not quite sure what that would be.
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