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Old 11-27-2007, 07:22 AM
Al_Capone_Junior Al_Capone_Junior is offline
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Default Re: let\'s get the facts straight: poker makes money

Hey there journeyman boy, you should learn quick that when you get everything wrong in your posts, you tend to get ripped to shreds on the forums.

I never made any claims to what the percentages of a casino's yearly profit would be, nor did I intend to make any point of that sort. Whatever the number is, it won't be large and certainly won't have any relevance to this discussion.

Also, I have more than one friend in the positions you claim to have gotten such exclusive information from. Casino manager, yup. Directors of specialty gaming, yup. Poker room managers, yup. Another casino manager, yup. Certain others I won't mention titles for as well. And I'm not going to name-drop anyone, because that drags someone into this discussion that didn't ask to be brought in.

I also made no claims of competing with slots on a square foot basis. I specifically stated that this particular number was quite irrelevant in an area with absolutely no shortage of space. Seems your source also fails to comprehend this point, and more than likely all the others too.

If you have a legitimate point you want to make, and you back it up with more than just hot air, your input is welcome, always, even if you disagree with me.

Many have disagreed with me, even in this very discussion, and done so tastefully and with class. This has been an excellent thread and I'd prefer to keep it that way.

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