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Old 11-08-2007, 01:06 AM
Buzz Buzz is offline
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Default Re: My take... [long]

deacsoft - A well thought out and written post! Just a few things....

I received the PM that Mat sent out as you all did.

[/ QUOTE ] No matter, but I never got it. Somehow I was not on that mailing list. But it’s fine because we have corresponded and I read the mods forum from time to time.

Most of these mods do not participate here, not because they are turned off by the tone, but because they care more about the strat forums they mod ..."

[/ QUOTE ]Exactly true for me.


we built ourselves into success by only being willing to do top quality stuff. That extended into this website and the forums. The idea was to have vigorous debate without insults, and to also have a little fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is something I couldn't agree with more. It is 100% of what I think these forums should be all about.

[/ QUOTE ]Me too!

2. Many quality posters have left the forums. Without their leadership and valuable posting the forums have suffered in quality. I believe that a large reason for the departures from these forums by these posters is due to reason 1. Mods were assigned to the forums. I had hoped that the Mods would take up leadership and post the highest quality they're capable of. As we all know, some have not and more have abused their authority. Some of this abuse has led to even more quality posters leaving the forums.

[/ QUOTE ]Possibly true.

We need a standardized set of rules/regulations for all Mods and members to follow.

[/ QUOTE ]I disagree. Mods should simply try to follow Mason’s reason for the existence of the forums (quoted above). Administrators (Mat or Ryan) should deal privately and individually with wayward mods.

This should include, but not necessarily be limited to...
1. A code of conduct. This would state that Mods are expected to uphold the standard of "top quality"and "integrity" and "to have vigorous debate without insults" (to quote Mason). Mods will be respectful of each other, the Admins, and the forum members. Mods will not leak Mod Discussion forum specific information to any other member of 2+2. etc, etc. Mods should follow this or be stripped of their Mod status.

[/ QUOTE ]When someone comes into your house you don’t tell them to not piss on the couch. That goes without saying.
2. List of rules and punishments. This would state some specific and general examples of violations and the appropriate punishments for offenders.

[/ QUOTE ]No. If a guest pissed on your couch, or did something else that anyone with the maturity of a normal ten year old would know is inappropriate, then I imagine you’d respond to that.

If you set up limits, some of jerk posters, that one per cent, or whatever, would push the limits to see what they could get away with. Better just to expect them to behave properly and deal with those who don’t.

Almost every errant poster I have chided privately has responded with an apology. Only three or four have replied belligerently. When they do respond belligerently, they lack respect for anyone working voluntarily as a moderator. Keep in mind that they only get chided when they already have been rude to another poster or have posted inappropriately.

Example: Spamming- All spam posts are deleted, the spammer is perma-banned, and notes are left.

[/ QUOTE ]Of course. That goes without saying.

Certainly we can not include every possible violation, but we can have enough listed for common violations to get all Mods on the same page and set some kind of standard. Some of these violations could include those listed in the Terms & Conditions. The dos and don'ts of locations can also be covered here.

[/ QUOTE ]I don’t think an extensive list of dos and don’ts is necessary. A few site-wide guidelines might be worthwhile.

3. Non-listed offenses. All non-listed offenses or something deemed by the discovering Mod to be in a "grey area" should be brought up in the Mod Discussion forum. Discussion can take place and a decision can be made by an Admin as to how to proceed and if this should be set as a standard procedure for the rest of the Mods to follow in the future.

[/ QUOTE ]Not unreasonable. Seems better if we mods simply use common sense and courtesy. And then let the admins privately coach anybody who needs coaching.

4. Specific Mod rules. A list of procedures for all Mods and the possible punishments for not following them.

[/ QUOTE ]The list of procedures is a good idea. The list of punishments is not.

Mods should be expected to leave note when placing a ban on someone. These notes should include their name, the date, and the reason for the ban.

[/ QUOTE ]Of course!

Mods should be expected to PM members when some action (ban, deleted post, edited post, etc) is taken against them.

[/ QUOTE ]In general, O.K.

Recently a new poster posted what I thought was an inappropriate post. I copied the post, then deleted it, and sent the copy to the poster basically telling him that I had deleted his post because it was rude and/or inappropriate. Something like that. (I still have a copy, but it doesn’t matter exactly what I wrote. And it was at a time when I had a half dozen things going on at the same time). Maybe I could have handled the incident more expertly, but it doesn’t matter. What I did was fine. If you knew the details, you’d think so too. But it doesn’t matter even if I didn’t handle the incident well.

At any rate, the poster responded by writing me a PM telling me that I had a tiny penis.

That might actually be funny in my weekly private poker game with my buddies, but it shows either a basic lack of respect for the moderator role I’m playing or a too familiar approach.

But that’s the end of it for me. I’m not going to send the guy a private message. There is nothing I want to reply. I doubt that he’ll come back, but if he does, I’ll ban him. It won’t be out of anger, or revenge. It will just be a necessary matter of fact thing to do. The guy will tear up the forum if he’s allowed to post. The focus of the strong posters on the forum will become how to react to his insults rather than how best to play Omaha-8.

Mods need the leeway to deal with posters as they see fit. And if they act inappropriately, then it should be up to an administrator to step in. Mat currently gives us a lot of leeway and that’s good and necessary.

This would help to appropriately punish repeat offenders.

[/ QUOTE ]I suspect that if a guest in your house does something inappropriate enough, he won’t be a repeat offender (because he won’t get the chance to be a repeat offender).

The notes would serve as proof that they were previously warned and advised of the rule(s).

[/ QUOTE ]Notes are a good idea.

If Mods have an issue with another Mods or a member they should handle it privately via PM.

[/ QUOTE ]Issues with other mods should absolutely be handled privately. That goes without saying. An issue with a member might be another matter if the member makes a public untrue and/or accusatory post. I don’t know. Depends, I think. But that’s not something that needs a code of behavior book.

Some people need a good kick in the butt, but doing it publicly on the forums results in people getting defensive and e-fighting. Even still it should be done respectfully.

[/ QUOTE ]Sure.

I could go on with the list, but I think everyone sees where I'm heading.

[/ QUOTE ]Yes. Your heart is in the right place, but a list of rules and punishments would be tedious.

We, as Mods, have to be the leaders of these forums. We are out there publicly every day interacting with the members. We have to lead these forums back to the informative and fun place they once were. We need to do so by example.

[/ QUOTE ]I agree.

Thank you to all of you who actually took the time to read this. It says that you're someone who actually might want to make 2+2 a better place or return it to it's glory days. it can be done, but it's going to take time and a lot of effort on our parts. I'd love to hear any comment you guys have on any of what I've said.

[/ QUOTE ]You make some good points.


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