Thread: Rock Band
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Old 11-21-2007, 12:27 PM
Tinga Tinga is offline
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Default Re: Rock Band

This game is AWESOME!

I rocked out til about 1am last night with 3 local friends. We cruised through a couple of the cities.

If you live in an apartment, this game is not for you. We tried it at my friends apartment originally, then moved to my house after a while, because it gets pretty loud.

Guitar: I hate the solo buttons. My fingers may be too big for them. I may be using it wrong, but I don't think so. I also hate the top fret buttons. I'm used to the ridges in my old GH guitars. I noticed that when I go for the orange note, my fingers will move down so that my ring finger is on the orange, and pinky is on the fret board. As with the GH3 guitar, this will take some time to get used to.

Drums: Oh man! My brother is a drummer, and was able to hop into Hard/Expert right away. Some of the passages are pretty tough. I almost wish that these drums weren't all "binded" together, and that I could set them up to a position that is more comfortable. It's awkward at times, so that will take some getting used to. I managed to do an OK job at medium.

Singing: At first I thought my microphone didn't work. But then I read the directions, and realized I'm a dumbass. After we got it working, it was pretty fun, and makes this the whole "Rock Band" experience, imo. As long as you realize that you look like a fool, and your friends do too, you can let yourself go and hit some of these notes/passages. We only experimented on Medium with the singing last night. The game really makes you work toward hitting the right pitches/key. You also have to sound out everything like it appears on screen to get a good score.

Things I'm still unclear on:
- How do you activate Overdrive? Does that just work when everyone has reached the top of the left meter? Is there any way we can activate it individually?
- Online multiplayer. How is this working? I tried to get our whole band online last night through my Xbox Live Guest accounts, but when I attempted to bring them all online with me, I was the only one able to get on. Is there a way that I can actually bring on all 4 of us at a time to battle it out with other bands?

Other dislikes:
- The notes on the fret board are too small. I really wish they would have conformed to the GH standards. These thin rectangles are no good.
- I am having a hard time with the HO/PO. Does it exist in this game? There seems like a few good spots to do it, but it doesn't want to work. It's like I have to go back to strumming every individual note (and now that I know how to HOPO properly, I don't want to do that).
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