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Old 10-31-2007, 04:55 PM
Antinome Antinome is offline
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Default Re: uNL Hand Reading Practice


1. turn range, hero.. set, AQ, maybe AhKh, A9.
villain... AJ,AQ,A9,A7,JcTc,KcJc, AhTh, 79, Q9, 77, 99 maybe Th8h, 9hTh.

Narrowing it down to an exact guess, hero, AhQh, villain, A9.

2. with a one liner to a straight, I find it difficult to believe hero is doing this without a set at worst. 33-55,6d8d,77. until river I'd believe 6d7d, 66. villain probably has busted flush draw with an Ace, maybe two pair. Exact guess: hero-55, villain, As2s.

3. Hero has an Ace, probably AT+, villain has a medium-good Q or a flush. Exact guess, Hero AJ, villain, QT

4. Hero with AQ or AhJh, mayyybe AT, villain with KT- or JT-J8. Exact guess, hero-AQ, villain JT.

5. This just screams Hero with JJ, villain with AK. some other hands are possible, but this one is the most likely. like, hero could have AJ or KdQd, but I don't think our hero plays that way.

6. hero with sooted 97 or T8.(those are raising hands, AJ) Villain with AT.

7. I think this has to be an overpair, 99-JJ. Villain with T8-A8, 67, 99, he could have some sets too.

8. hero, 66-99, villain can have any two cards, probably not a jack, maybe a T.

9. hero with 55,66,JJ+, villain with AQ,KQ,QJ,55,66

10.Hero has 8T here a lot, occasionally a set depending on villain. villain has two pair, a set or any 8.

11. Hero with 33,66,AK,KQ,QQ+. villain range is the same plus maybe AQ and maybe some KsXs.

12.Hero with a good T or better one pair hand, villain with a wide range, including flushes and two pair, and worse one pair hands. Hero calls for pot odds and loses to a flush.
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