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Old 11-08-2007, 01:49 PM
ceczar ceczar is offline
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Default Re: Weird spot with friend and possible jailtime

there's no way i would help out a friend that wasn't one of my best/oldest friends, but i do think if certain conditions were met i would be willing to help.

i have a friend that i've known for >20 yrs (since kindergarten). we're very close, though over the last couple of years we've seen each other less and less, mostly because he lives at home and i live several hours away. he's a bit of a screwup and also a klepto. not so much of the grand larceny kind, but he's admitted to stealing money from people's rooms when he was in college. obviously i disapprove of some of the stuff that he's done, and yes i have told him that i feel that way, but i'm also not going to de-friend him.

he's unemployed and lives with his parents. if he had a job that provided him the opportunity to take money with a chance of not getting caught, i wouldn't be surprised if he got himself into a situation like this.

if there was an amount i could lend him that would allow him to avoid 6months in prison and a permanent felony record i would for sure do it if i knew there was a good chance he'd eventually pay me back (obviously it would probably take a long time). it would be a much harder decision if loaning out that money would affect my life in any way.
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