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Old 01-29-2007, 11:59 PM
kidcolin kidcolin is offline
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Default Re: What will make you happy?


I second James. That's an awesome statement, and one that took me some time to realize.

In my post-pubescent life, there have only been a few stretches of TRUE happiness (I'm 24). Most notably, from the start of my junior year of college until the start of my senior year. I had broken up with my gf a few months earlier. Something just clicked. I didn't care about girls much. I had an awesome roommate. All my best friends lived 2 houses down the road. I absolutely slaughtered school that year. I got involved in some awesome volunteering programs. I spent a perfect summer in Boston. I still vividly recall my mindset during that time. Unclouded, focused, optimistic, fascinated... it was really great. Eventually a new girl entered the picture, stuff didn't work out, some other bad breaks, and it disappeared. That doesn't mean deep, dark, depression, but I know I'm not nearly as stoked on life as I was during that year.

Now I live alone in a city I don't like so much without any friends, and I need to change that. I think my previous experiences with happiness has helped keep my head up here. Knowing what makes me happy, knowing in what way that isn't being achieved, makes it easier to cope and be optimistic, rather than that deep isolated feeling so many young 20-somethings feel.

I think my experience with happiness reflects Claunchy's statement. I had a good outlook, I was growing, I was successful, and I was surrounded by all my favorite people. There's a little luck involved in that, but it's sweet when it clicks like that.
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