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Old 08-21-2007, 07:44 PM
futuredoc85 futuredoc85 is offline
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Default Re: Ask me about : coming out

H-myst how old are you/are you still in H.S.? if not im guessing sophomore in college at the oldest. Im not going to get into a flame war anymore in kolo's thread, but one day (hopefully) you will understand just how sad your P.O.V. really is. No one is asking you to watch gay porn, or discuss sexual deeds w/ homosexuals. No one is even asking you to associate yourself with homosexual people. If you must hate/look down on people simply for being different than you (and look down on everyone who doesnt hate them), at least keep it to yourself and dont spread your baseless hate for no reason.

History is full of people who hated people for living differently than themselves, and none of them are remembered kindly nor did anything good or decent ever come of it. It genuinely makes me sad to see people who are only a few years younger than I am openly proclaiming such utter hate and disgust for other human beings based on something that you feel (probably wrongly but w/e) is a choice, and one that has no ill effects on your life whatsoever.

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