Thread: Car buying tips
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Old 11-28-2007, 05:40 PM
youtalkfunny youtalkfunny is offline
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Default Re: Car buying tips

This thread makes me so sad.

I was so tickled when Saturn launched, and their model was "no haggling". They put a price tag on the car, with the rock-bottom number. I was SO hoping the industry would go that way.

Saturn had to quickly abandon the plan. Nobody would buy a car without trying to haggle. They all WANTED to play these stupid games with the dealers.

Everyone who ever told me about the car they just bought, universally boasted that they "got a great deal". Then I ask them one or two questions, and it quickly becomes apparent that they got a horrible deal.

I guess my point is that for most people, thinking you got a good deal is more important than actually getting a good deal.

I've read so much stuff on the car buying game, it would make your head spin. But I'm still horrible at it.

At least I'm aware that I suck.
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