Thread: Car buying tips
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Old 11-28-2007, 04:56 PM
hyde hyde is offline
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Default Re: Car buying tips


be prepared to walk away

[/ QUOTE ]

This is the bottom line. And they will be playing you better than a three card monte mark in Times Square.

There was a great article about a year ago, I think I got linked from 2+2 but am not sure. about anything...
But is was by a guy who worked for a newspaper and spent 4 or 6 months working the car sales game. He wrote it up kind of funny, but there is NO FUN in the car sales game. They are a ruthless bunch willing to lie and cheat their way to a sale.

I bought a new vehicle a few years back and the sales unit is telling me how these trucks NEVER break down, yada yada yada. 3 minutes later I am in the office with the large breasted, low cut, just plain got to old to work the pole anymore, finance manager who tells me " I'd hate to see something major go wrong and this extended warranty is only an additional $48 a month." or $3000 in their freaking pocket because you have to keep the vehicle more than 70K miles to even have it kick in.

I'll try to googleize that guys article, it will help you.
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