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Old 11-20-2007, 07:47 PM
jesse8888 jesse8888 is offline
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Default Re: When are games too good?

I think this effect is called schooling, and it means this: If there are 4 fish in the pot chasing you down, the magnitudes of their individual errors are reduced.

Think about the following situation: You're in the BB K9o and 3 people call. You check, there are 4 bets in the pot, and the flop is K52r. You bet out, and nobody has odds to call you because they are holding, respectively, A5, 2Qs, and 46s. However, the first guy does call with his 46s gutshot. Now there are 6 bets in the pot. The next guy calls with A5, and finally the Q2 comes along as well.

The second two callers mistakes were made smaller by the error made by the first player (calling with his gutter).

What's important to see here is that you will still make a lot of money from this table in the long run. However I think that typically once you get past 2 or 3 awful players at a table you'll see diminishing returns as other such fish sit down.