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Old 12-01-2007, 01:24 PM
Mr_Moore Mr_Moore is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 452
Default Maximum understanding

I have a desire to one day fully grasp politics and economics.
Unfortunately, at the time being I am highly unproductive, unless the theme is poker, so I haven’t gotten very far.
I thought the other day, there can't be too many people on this earth who completely grasp the full spectrum of politics. Not only current politics but all the different kind of political philosophies as well.
Once you do grasp, everything, then what?
Some will simply use the system to the best of their advantage and some might try to change things.
Though, probably, someone who has taken the time and effort to reach that amount of understanding probably will not use it to find himself a petty advantage. You study to understand and what follows is the search for improvement? Either consciously or unconsciously.
But seeing how at the top, there are few, how do you best communicate your knowledge to others?
Few will understand, the few who do understand will either like what you say or dislike it, and the ones who dislike it are very likely to spread a different truth to others. Seeing how the truth often gets mudded by different peoples interpretation, What is the best way to keep the truth alive?
Also, what is the major cause of misunderstandings?
I am all over the place with this text.
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