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Old 11-12-2007, 02:08 PM
jojje33 jojje33 is offline
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Default My Neteller account has been hacked.. need advice

Came home from school today, sat down by my laptop and logged in on MSN. Right awah I get a email from the neteller support that my $600 transfer has been approved !!!

I logged in to my neteller account and found four that four transfers had been made to empty my account. Two transfers to a neteller merchant called Multipurpose and one called Agrisolutions Limited. Immediatly call the Neteller VIP support and freezes my account leaving the huge amount of $2 that is left in my account.

The VIP representitve tells me that no one of the investigation team is at work yet, but will be in four ours. He will email them and he also tells me to do so. I ask if nothing can be made right away so the money they stole stays were its at, but only the investigatione team can take any action I get told.

After five ours and no contact been made I call them again and now they tell me that no one from the ivestigation team will work today because its holliday in Canada. I try to get a hold of a manager or someone who can help me but nobody can except the missing team.

They tell me now that I can try to contact the Mercants and explain my situaion. Of course I ask if Neteller can do that so that the issue is taken seriously but of course only the investigation team can do that. I can even get an email, domain adress on the Neteller merchants involved.

Right now I have to wait 22 hours until the correct people starts working at Neteller and by that my money will be veeeeery long gone.

Anyone got suggestions? Feeling kinda desperate.

// jojje
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