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Old 07-24-2007, 04:03 PM
ThaHero ThaHero is offline
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Default Hollywood Park Closing the Race Track?

This is all hear say, but my cousin lives in those homes next to Hollywood Park(the closed communities if anyone is familiar with the area) and he said the race track, stables, etc., were all going to be torn down and turned into some more ~$1M homes. This is the area called the Inglewood Renaissance or whatever. I don't watch the news and did a small search but didn't turn up anything specific to HP.

Anyone else heard this?

If this happens, do you think it would affect the action at all? I know just about everytime I go, depending on the hour, there are people betting on horses that are sitting at the tables. I'm not so sure they'd be willing to travel to Santa Anita or something just for that. Actually this may provide more money in the poker and table games. I'm not really an expert on the dynamics of casinos though.

I've never bet on horses there so I don't know if they let you bet on races happening at other tracks. If they do then I'd assume the tables wouldn't lose any action at all.

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