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Old 12-01-2007, 05:08 PM
sheetsworld sheetsworld is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 427
Default Re: FT Sweat: Bellagio 2500 Psyduck

To me it would be more of a shocker that anyone on this earth didnt know i backed dutch. Many articles have been written about my backing of gank/dutch/scotty and they are responsible for a great part of my success in poker.

I back players who are either good at poker, or have the potential to be, or can convince me that the above is true, and are people that I can trust (or can convince me of that as well)

AJ Green came to me for backing a while ago but I dont back people in sngs and he was insistent on that point. Furthermore, the way he played when he knew people's hole cards was far from optimal imo so I dont think he is that good.

Scott Tom didnt want to give up his online
action as he said he had a big enough bankroll for the online tourneys.

Kenneth Lay left me with 80k in makepu, as did Martha Stewart and Charles Manson.

Timothy McVeigh played for me under the name "teecoy" for a while but i found he was a tad aggro so I had to get rid of him.

Tough to manage all these personalities....

As I have said, sheetsworld is a nice place to visit but you wouldnt want to live there.

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