Thread: Derren Brown
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Old 11-24-2007, 05:34 AM
MaxWeiss MaxWeiss is offline
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Default Derren Brown

I wasn't sure if I should put this in SMP or OOT, but I opted for here because I think the discussion will be more interesting. I'm assuming most of you have heard of and seen Derren Brown either on his British show or the new American version of the same thing.

The things that guy does are absolutely fascinating. He has managed to mix magic (illusion), hypnosis, NLP, and god-knows-what other kinds of tricks and psychology to create the ability to manipulate people in so many ways.

I've seen episodes where he brainwashes people into attempting armed robbery, make somebody think he's inside a zombie video game fighting for his life, makes somebody think the color red is the color black whenever they see something red (and therefore cannot find their red car right in front of them), got a losing racetrack ticket paid as a winner, and so on.

I am interested in what you all here think of the guy. I don't have any specific topic I want for replies, just whatever you want to go on about. From my research on him and his show, I am fairly sure he is legit, even if some of his misdirection and showmanship is in creating the TV show...

For those who don't know who he is...

YouTube search for "Derren Brown"

Wiki entry on him
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