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Old 06-18-2007, 05:16 PM
IsaacW IsaacW is offline
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Default Re: Ron Paul\'s Campaign Ethics Questioned...

He says it himself in the article... "it is no big deal because campaign funds are not public money."

Campaign funds are generally given without consideration as to their use, with the exception that they be used in support of a campaign. Campaigns require staff, and a lot of people like to hire their own kin for reasons that go beyond keeping the money in the family. If people do not approve of the way their campaign contributions are used, then they are free to withhold them.

The John Birch Society seems a bit weird, but it appears they hate communists and prefer a strict interpretation of the U.S. constitution particularly as it relates to limiting the power of the federal government.

Overall, the Capitol Hill Blue piece reads like it was written by a Democrat afraid that Paul is a Republican talking sense about small government instead of the much more easily defeated warmonger candidates.
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