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Old 11-29-2007, 09:22 PM
fisheater11 fisheater11 is offline
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Default The dominic parillo theory of expected EV in STT\'s.

The great dominic parillo has just released some groundbreaking evidence about sngs, and how his brand new theory of "expected" EV relates to them. Some might remember my post about the great dominic parillo, which was posted a few days after he released his first theory titled, "the theory of duality".

Mr. Parillo adds to his duality theory, with emphasis on what he coins "expected EV". Most think this is sort of repetative b/c EV obv. stands for expected value, so the term actually reads expected expected value. A grammar specialist dominic is not, so bear with the nonesense term while i go onto explaining HIS THEORY for the FIRST TIME in an stt forum.

the theory of "Expected EV" states that a regular to the stt comm. cannnot control what he/she expects the outcome to be in a particular hand or situation. Stated differently, even if a decision is +EV, it doesnt necessary mean the decision is +EEV. This is because the expectation is not clear untill all cards are faceup and betting is done. Keeping EEV in mind will help out ALOT with push/fold and in particular icm... remember tho, as the games becomes increasingly harder to beat - keep in mind that the games arent just being filled with regulars, they are being filled with regulars who were blessed to read any of dominic parillo's stt's theorys.

questions are welcome