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Old 07-06-2007, 12:06 PM
Jaconda78 Jaconda78 is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 63
Default Re: 50NL: Interesting hand SSNL may appreciate

You really should just reraise this preflop - if you take it down there, that's ok. If not, at least you have a better idea of what your opponents might have. Of course you'll fold out a lot of worse hands - but that's not always a bad thing. Also raise the flop - again, you will have a much better idea of where you stand. If he pushes over top of you, you can easily fold it. If he calls, you have the initiative in the hand, and with position can decide if you want to bet again on the turn or take a free card. The tiny turn bet is terrible because now if he raises you have no idea if he's strong or if he's just raising because he thinks you're weak. And that's not even mentioning the wonderful pot+implied odds you're offering for Axd. Overall, this is just a badly butchered hand - quit trying to be fancy and slowplay, and just reraise preflop so you know where you stand. Failing that, at least make your bets strong enough to help define your hand, rather than a size that makes you put in even more money because you have to call a retarded mini raise.
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