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Old 09-17-2007, 05:15 AM
zasterguava zasterguava is offline
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Default Re: Thank God for state intervention protecting and regulating our lan

More examples!

The law allows the industry to claim and mine minerals on the public’s land at rock-bottom rates. A patenting provision transfers the land itself for the 1872 price—$2.50 to $5 an acre (this provision is presently under a moratorium). No royalties are required on the ore mined, which can include (in Nevada) copper, silver, and gold and (in other states) platinum.

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Mining executives use a "rape and run" strategy. They defer environmental cleanup until after the mine is tapped out. Then they declare bankruptcy and walk away, leaving the state with the bill.
No property owner other than the government would ever stand for having somebody come on to their land, take a fortune, and leave a mess behind. Go democracy!

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Yes, and George Bush tried to get roads built over protected forests - but was denied due to protests from publicly funded organisations.

The state is as guilty as private power (they go hand in hand). However, popular protest and struggle, as with most things (civil rights, feminism...), forces the state to take some action. Thus one can be thankful such an apparatus exists, unlike in doctrines such as ACism. As I noted the statist approach is not the optimum, but, it's currently the only viable option and as such one can be thankful it exists as opposed some alternatives.
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