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Old 11-30-2007, 04:50 PM
QuadsOverQuads QuadsOverQuads is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
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Default Re: Low Stakes Limit Game - Guy Hollywooding every hand

That usually lasts about 5 minutes with me in the box.

"Sir, it's your action."
"Sir, I need an action."

*friendly tap on the table*

"2 to call, 4 to raise, free to fold."
"Sir, if it was on you what would you do?"

A few straight-up prompts and they usually catch on as to what's expected of them (for the record, it's usually new players who just aren't familiar with live game standards that do this -- it's rarely malicious or intentional, at least in my experience).

If it continues after that, I (or my floor) will usually give them a friendly tap on the shoulder and explain to them (quietly and non-confrontationally): "Sir, this isn't a million dollar tournament, and we do have a rule here against unnecessarily delaying the game. Live limit hold'em is a fast-paced game, and people come here for the action. You're gonna have to pick it up."

If the player still causes problems after that, then floor should ask them to leave for unnecessarily delaying the game.

I have ejected a few players for slowing the game, and I think it's a necessary backstop. However, most of the time I believe that a good dealer who runs their game well should be able get these players to pick it up without turning it into a major confrontation.

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