Thread: IP Check
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Old 10-07-2007, 08:56 PM
tuq tuq is offline
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Default Re: IP Check


I don't think anyone is questioning your motivations. You obviously did what you thought was best for the forums as a whole. You are universally beloved as a site contributor and no doubt a lot of people have benefited by your efforts.

The problem is, and this has come up before, is that your idea of what constitutes bannable tone seems nowhere near that of the site admins' that I can tell, and apparently quite a ways from the standards that existed before you were asked to mod PLO (I think that's the forum that's causing the problems).

On top of this, the part where they must contact an admin to be reinstated is something I'm not familiar with, and more to that point while you think you're being helpful you're actually creating more work for them when it may not be necessary.

Just my thoughts.
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