Thread: Joe Horn?
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Old 11-19-2007, 04:33 PM
ALawPoker ALawPoker is offline
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Default Re: Joe Horn?

I don't know what the technical legal mumbo jumbo is on this case. I'm not a lawyer and only know what's relayed in that article, so I won't claim a strong opinion. Professionals who know all the facts and are good at dealing with this stuff should sort it out.

But I do know that if I walked down the street and saw this guy, I wouldn't think of him as a bad person. I certainly wouldn't see him as any sort of threat to me. So my mild opinion is that it doesn't seem like he did something seriously wrong. Maybe he has the character flaw of being trigger happy in the rare instance where his neighbor's house is being robbed and he happens to witness it. I don't think the choices of how to consequence his actions should be either 'perfectly fine' vs. 'oh that's murder.'

So the only strong opinion I have here is that (here you go, Dvaut) in the absence of an inefficient approach to justice, a better result would be more likely. I don't feel I'm in much of a position to have a strong opinion on what fabric Nike should use in their next Air Jordan's, so the same goes here. I really don't know what exactly would be fair, and I think the world would be a smoother place if others admitted the same thing, and worried about the approach instead.

EDIT: And yes, I also thought this was the football player and was annoyed by the title.
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